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Inclusion & Diversity

Our Inclusion and Diversity Commitment

Haven as part of Bourne Leisure is on a journey to becoming a truly inclusive and diverse business where everyone is encouraged to bring their true selves to work.

We will continue to celebrate and educate our teams in inclusion and diversity and encourage all team to share their great stories

We will work to understand how we create an environment to ensure we address our gender imbalance within our site senior leadership teams

We will create a more inclusive and innovate environment that welcomes a diverse team into our business, from across our locations to our Hemel Support office.

We need to fully understand the diversity of our guest profile through greater and more detailed insights

Introducing our Inclusion and Diversity Board

Andy Wiles

Andy Wiles

Hi, I'm Andy Wiles, the Head of Food & Beverage at Greenacres, Cardigan View and Garrag Wen, all in a beautiful part of North Wales on Cardigan Bay!

I’m a Hull lad, Yorkshire born & bred, but have lived and worked all over the UK. My family are the most important people in my life, My mum & dad (in the picture) and my brother, his wife and my niece and nephew!

I’m very passionate about all aspects of Inclusion and Diversity, especially the LGBTQIA+ community, and I thrive on learning about other people's fights, struggles and achievements – and always willing to support wherever, or however I can, to make sure we are all treated as equals!

Celebrating Pride 2022 🏳️‍🌈

Ethnic Future Leaders Programme

The Ethnic Future Leaders Programme (EFL) aims to improve ethnic diversity in leadership through identifying and investing in existing high potential ethnic minorities employees and supporting their progression into more senior roles across Hospitality, Travel and Leisure and Retail.  Here’s how some of our team have benefited from the programme.

Trisha Motah

Trisha Motah

“This has been a journey of self-discovery for me. The programme has forced me to self-reflect more than ever before. I have learnt so much from my peers and some amazing guest speakers, but my main learning has been the power of speaking to people within my business more openly about diversity”


We are proud to be partnered with various organisations that support our Inclusion and Diversity journey. Click on their logos to discover more about these valued Haven collaborators.